Emeritus College – Where Learning is for Life – October 2014

Join us for another exciting semester with new classes and topics for everyone

Join us for another exciting semester with new classes and topics for everyone! Here are just a few classes we are looking forward to this October!

Fatherhood: Historical and Global View

Join Dr. Rudy Seward, Vice President of the International Sociological Association’s Committee on Family Research, to discuss fatherhood studies. In the United States the roots of fathering studies go back at least to the 1940s with the publication of reports on fathers’ attitudes and activities revealed through interviews. Approaches to fathering vary widely from a primary focus on being a disciplinarian and provider to a focus on nurturing child care with many possible types and combinations occurring in between these approaches. Non-Western fathering varies more dramatically than fathering practices in the Western world.

Trojan Women

Discuss Greek literature with Dr. Don Vann, Regents Professor Emeritus of English at UNT. The Trojan Women, first produced in 415 B.C., recounts the events that legend says occurred after the fall of Troy. It is one of the most moving of all Greek tragedies. Antony’s preface to his funeral oration for Caesar, “If you have tears, prepare to shed them now,” could well apply to Euripides’s play, for it is heavy, serious drama. It will make you ponder many aspects of the human condition.

Dr. Vann will give a detailed summary of the play and read many of the major speeches to you. He will also allow time for discussion after his presentation.

How to Grow, Cook With, and Preserve North Texas Herbs

Barbara Brown, Denton County Master Gardner, explains general planting, growing and preserving of herbs in detail. The class will also discuss the use of herbs in cooking and recipes will be provided.

Save the date for the Holiday Social and Open House: December 9.

Join us in the main clubhouse at Robson Ranch to see the full spring lineup of classes! Register early to be sure to get into the classes you want!

For further information on becoming a member and enrolling in classes:

Website: call.unt.edu/emerituscollege

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 940-369-7293