May your home always be too small to hold your friends

LOLs gathered for St. Patrick’s Day brunch.

LOLs gathered for St. Patrick’s Day brunch.

Judy Ondina

Irish lass Gayle Coe recently provided happiness for many of her friends as a St. Patrick’s Day brunch was held at her home. A delectable array of homemade items were awaiting the ladies as they were greeted with Bloody Marys and a selection of wines. Each of us were “Irish” for the day as glasses were raised in many toasts as befits this Irish tradition. Laughter and clinking of glasses filled the room prior to all enjoying their tasty plates full of delicious food items. Stories were shared of past celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day; we all anticipate a forthcoming festivity whatever that may be. Awaiting us was a luscious carrot cake accompanied with flutes of Prosecco. Ah, such indulgences.

All of us found our “pot of gold” in realizing there is no better gift than that of friendship. A good friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.