Robson Ranch International Club news

Rupa Mathur

The Robson Ranch International Club met in April at Luigi’s Pizza & Italian Restaurant. Although I could not join the members, I have been told that they had a good time.

On March 17 we met for dinner hosted by Erna and Wayne Seale. The hosts made a delicious Mexican chicken casserole dish. As usual guests brought delectable appetizers, and Alfred once again made his famous cake, which everyone enjoyed along with other desserts. The International group has a wonderful time at these get togethers, and we all enjoy each other’s culture and experiences.

We have been saddened by the loss of two of our members; they will be missed by all of us.

We are very delighted to hear that our long-time friends Annelise Guyer (former president of the club) and Tom Turk got married on January 22, 2016. They had a simple wedding. We all wish them a long and happy marriage.