Robson Sigma Chis receive military and 50-year pins

David Parker

The Robson Ranch Sigma Chis held their monthly meeting at the chapter house on Crestview Drive. Brother Mick Fox, the Chapter Chaplain, opened the meeting with a prayer. The group was pleased to welcome the North Texas Sigma Chi Grand Praetor, Joseph Sholden. Brother Joe presented military pins and 50-year pins to members that qualified. “D”wight Evans, Mick Fox, John Humphries, Norm Leggett, Bruce Monroe, Wayne Rees and Pat Ross all received both the military and 50-year pins. Al Grundstrom was not able to attend and also received both pins. Dr. Tom Grooms was not able to attend and received a 50-year pin. Also attending the monthly meeting was Chuck Newcomer, Ken Javor and Dave Parker. Our newest member, Dan Nicolet, was not able to attend. It is a great honor to have such a high number of military veterans in our Chapter. It is also great to have members who have proudly been Sigma Chis for 50 years.