Afterschoolers Garage Sale

Lavelle Carlson

The Afterschoolers Garage Sale will be on Saturday, October 20, 2018. The rain date will be Saturday, October 27, 2018. The sale will be at the Robson Ranch Clubhouse parking lot, 9400 Ed Robson Blvd., Denton, TX.

Watch for upcoming notices of dates for spots and table sales as well as the location for donation drop offs.

Three options:

1. Rent a spot and table (limited tables) to sell your unwanted items. Watch for dates to rent in HOA announcements.

2. Donate your used items to benefit Borman Elementary and LaGrone schools in Denton (grants, scholarships, monetary gifts, culinary treats, and teacher appreciation luncheons). The location drop-offs and dates will be listed in future notices.

3. Shop and purchase many items for your home or for others.

For more information, please email Lavelle Carlson at [email protected] or Christine Lovelace at [email protected]. You can also request the contact for pickup by emailing these ladies.