Back row buddies

Left to right: Olive Morton, MJ Browne and Martha Fagin

Left to right: Olive Morton, MJ Browne and Martha Fagin

Bernadette Fideli

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” So reads the unofficial motto of the United States Postal Service. With apologies to the Postal Service, this motto can apply to many residents at Robson. It is the individuals who walk every morning or jog or bike or ramp up the treadmill or high-step in walk-a-way the pounds or lift weights or stretch in yoga or swim. This work ethic is prevalent throughout Robson, and not only does it strengthen the body but it also produces a special brand of friendship. The Sports Club opened in October 2003 and with it came water aerobics and a special trio of ladies. Yes they have names, but they are better known as The Back Row. In real life they are Mary Jane (MJ) Browne, Olive Morton and Martha Fagin. For 13 plus years they have exercised, laughed, told stories, swapped recipes and information, cried together, supported each other and were there for one another when being there counted. Sports and physical fitness provide many benefits, but it is the camaraderie among friends that endures and makes the exercise so much more enjoyable.