Living Well Speakers Series

Gil Clifton

The Living Well monthly Speakers Series presentation took place on February 6 at the Clubhouse with guest speaker John S. Kristoferson, M.D., P.A. The presentation was attended by approximately 30 Robson Ranch residents. Dr. Kristoferson is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knee replacements and is affiliated with Medical City Denton. He has a very interesting family background which started with grandparents immigrating from Sweden. His father was born in Alabama and attended West Point followed by service in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Dr. Kristoferson has lived most of his life in Texas and has an undergraduate degree from Trinity University and a M.D. from Southwestern Medical School. He noted that knee replacement for a given patient should not be performed until needed for a life dominating condition. Interestingly Dr. Kristoferson stated that age was normally not a major factor in determining eligibility for replacement and that he recently had done the procedure for a patient who was 90 years of age. Knee replacement can be delayed for various lengths of time by interventions including weight loss, NSAID treatment, corticosteroid injection and lubricating fluid injection directly into the knee. Goals for replacement include pain relief, correction of deformity, improved function, maximize range of motion, maximize strength and return to more normal daily function. Various stages of recovery are common with 90% recovery typical within 90 days. He pointed out that patient involvement was very important, particularly physical therapy performed either with a therapist or alone. Possible complications of knee replacement include infection (1-2% of patients), stiffness and deep vein thrombosis. Dr. Kristoferson’s presentation was well received by the audience with regular interaction between him and residents who either had questions or wanted input regarding their personal situations. As a note the Speakers Series will not be held in April, but rather the Living Well Committee will sponsor its annual Health Fair. A final note of thanks to the residents for their attendance and a special thanks to Dr. Kristoferson for his time spent with us here at the Ranch.