Pet of the Month – March 2015

Watson Elliot

Watson Elliot

David Laschinger

While skiing in Breckenridge with their grandchildren a while back, Robson residents Mike and Bonnie Elliott spotted a Goldendoodle dog, and it was love at first sight. Mike and Bonnie talked with the dog’s owner and learned the breeder lived in Colorado Springs. They visited the breeder and quickly decided a Goldendoodle would be a wonderful addition to their family. That was about 18 months ago and Watson has been everything they had hoped for in a new family member.

Goldendoodles are a cross between two pure-breed dogs, the golden retriever and the standard size poodle. Golden retrievers are described as kindly, friendly and confident. Poodles are known as a highly intelligent, energetic and sociable breed. Both breeds are beautiful dogs in their own right. Mix the two breeds and their pups typically become wonderfully social, even-tempered and playful dogs.

That pretty much describes Watson. He interacts well with both dogs and people. He is playful, affectionate and a joy to others. Watson’s constant tail-wagging is evidence of his happiness. He looks forward to his daily walks and visits to the Robson Ranch dog park where he eagerly plays with small and large dogs alike. Although he spends most of his time at the park playing with the big dogs, he thinks he is a small dog when he is around them.

Bonnie frequently visits her mother at Good Samaritan Assisted Living, and Watson joins her. He shows his affection to Bonnie’s mother as well as the other residents and staff. Even though Watson is not a certified therapy dog yet but should be soon, he enjoys interacting with the residents there and lifts their spirits when he visits.

At home Watson thinks he is a little lap dog. But when in the mood to play, he enjoys his favorite squeaky toys and retrieves a ball in the yard; after all he is part retriever. He often sits on the stairs to get a good vantage point of the activities in the house. Bonnie says he seems to have a constant smile about his face, and Mike proudly brags on him, “He is a good boy.” They both agree Watson has been a positive addition to their lives.

The Dog of the Month is chosen at random during the Happy Tails Dog Club meeting on the second Saturday of the month. Watch the HOA announcements for speakers and topics. Membership is only $10 for new members and $5 to renew.