PJs seen flying from the flagpole

Jan Utzman

The Red Hat Rancher ladies were recently seen in their pjs cavorting around Robson as they descended upon the home of former Queen Jan Utzman for their annual Pajama Party. They were greeted by red polka dot pajamas flapping happily from the Utzman’s flagpole in the front yard. This set the mood for much fun and frivolity for the delicious brunch that was provided by the Ladies in Waiting (also known as the board).

This January meeting is the only mandatory meeting of the year. The ladies divide up in groups, choose a month to be a hostess and plan the whole year in one fell swoop. When these ladies get together, ideas for fun coming from every direction. Destinations never before known suddenly pop up on the calendar and off they go full steam ahead.

Three new members were welcomed to the group: Carol Foley, Linda Terry and Kathy Marrou. These ladies have lots to learn about having fun.

The year 2015 is the 10th year this group has been together. A celebration is being planned to mark this occasion. Stay tuned for details.

In February the group will be attending the Go Red Luncheon at UNT to honor the American Heart Association.