Robson Ranch Women’s Club news

From right to left: Mary Ornberg, past president 2018; Wendy McKee, Our Daily Bread rep.; Diane Battle, service chairwoman; Janelle Trachta, Monsignor King Outreach rep.; and Theresa Peoples, Ways and Means chairwoman.

On January 7, 2019 the Robson Ranch Women’s Club held their first meeting of the year! Joyce Frey, president, presided over the meeting with the welcome of all new members and she announced to the group that membership is now at 318. The January birthdays were recognized and the committee updates were given. Joyce was pleased to report that $833 and several sacks of food was collected by our service chair, Diane Battle, before the meeting for the Denton County Food Center, our charity recipient for the month.

Mary Ornberg, past-president, announced that a total of $26,444 was raised by the Women’s Club in 2018 for the community needs of Denton County. 2018 Service Chair, Diane Battle, collected $9677 and many pounds of miscellaneous goods, food staples, backpacks and toiletries etc. for our alternating monthly charities (Friends of the Family and DCFC) and Ways and Means Chair, Theresa Peoples, who along with her committee raised $16,767. Both chairwomen were called to the stage and the checks were presented to Board Secretary Janelle Trachta who accepted a check on behalf of Monsignor King Outreach Center and Executive Director Wendy McKee, who accepted the check on behalf of Our Daily Bread. The money was divided equally from the two fundraisers. Both representatives provided an overview of their goals and services.

Rebecca Bafford, program chair, told the women we were going to kick off the New Year with certified Gallup Strength Coach, Ms. Kristin Clark and staff from GymGuyz. They gave an informative program on “Staying Fit As We Age.” Kristin suggested that all of us needed to set goals and write them down. She and her staff, with the help of volunteers from the audience, demonstrated exercises that could be incorporated in our daily routine in as little as eight minutes a day!