Sigma Chi Sweetheart lunch

Left to right: Dave Parker, Wayne Rees, Chuck Newcomer, Norm Leggett, Mike Elliott, Mick Fox, Frost, Ken Javor and “D”wight Evans

Left to right: Dave Parker, Wayne Rees, Chuck Newcomer, Norm Leggett, Mike Elliott, Mick Fox, Frost, Ken Javor and “D”wight Evans

David Parker

The April meeting of the Sigma Chi group at Robson was held at the Grill. Brother Mick Fox, our chapter chaplain, began the meeting with a prayer. The brothers decided that each month we were going to have a Sweetheart of Sigma Chi for the month. The first honor as Sweetheart went to Frost from the Grill. She has worked at the Grill for four years and is one of the brothers’ favorite. One new item brought up for discussion was having a Sigma Chi float in the annual 4th of July parade held at the Ranch. Planning will begin soon with a secret float to be unveiled in July. Brother Ken Javor briefed the group on his recent trip to China and Japan. We rounded out the meeting with a discussion on recent storms that have hit the Metroplex. Any Sigma Chis living at the Ranch that would like to join the group contact John Humphries at [email protected].