Support Our Troops

Lynne Moore

The Support Our Troops (SOT) annual golf tournament was held on April 30 and was a huge success. Even though we could not invite military from the various bases and host them in our homes because of the pandemic, we were able to have over 130 golfers, including two military, who are relatives of Robson Ranch members. Thanks go to all of our amazing sponsors, including Point Bank, Fidelity Investments, Robson Ranch, CW2 Christopher Chabot Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund, P38 Enterprises, Alice and Bill Wright, Linda and Rick Svoboda, and the Featherheads. Also, thanks go to our many generous hole sponsors and all the members of SOT who worked tirelessly on planning, arranging, and handling all aspects of this event. The money raised from this event helps us to support those military and their families, as well as specific military charities.

April’s monthly meeting was attended by 32 members, and it was great to be back in person at our newly decorated clubhouse. We learned that year to date, we have shipped 53 boxes of goodies to 13 deployed military in many countries. These include Germany, Okinawa, South Korea, Japan, Jordan, Cuba, Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, Afghanistan, and at sea. These troops so appreciate the boxes that they receive, and we plan to ship more in the coming months. Also, troops receive hand-made cards every month made by our Sassy Stampers, with messages written by the SOT members.

For those of you who have not seen the new SOT Display Case display in the clubhouse, check it out to see memorabilia, notes from the troops, and challenge coins. It is truly special. Our Young Men’s Service League meetings will resume again in August. These are high school students and their moms from Argyle who come to Robson monthly. They write letters to the troops, as well as to hear a personal military history from one of our Robson Ranch veterans.

Happening this month are two times when there will be a flag display at the Ranch. These are Armed Forces Day on May 15 and Memorial Day on May 31. There will be a ceremony at the Veteran’s Park on May 31 at 9 a.m. It would be great to see everyone there then. You do not have to be a member of SOT to attend the ceremony.

Our SOT meetings take place at the clubhouse on the second Monday each month at 1 p.m. If you do not belong to SOT yet, please consider coming and joining this wonderful organization. Hope to see you then.