Tim Battle hosts the Photography Awards Banquet at Rudy’s.
Shirley Waterhouse
The Photography Club was well represented at its first annual Photography Club Awards Banquet held in the private room at Rudy’s in Denton. The room was free of charge, and guests were able to get their food and drink on their own. Tim Battle, club president, did an outstanding job with his Power Point presentation covering the highlights of the past year and the agenda for the next year. The atmosphere was relaxed, and all had a great time. The 2015 award winners are as follows:
2015 Photograph Honorable Mention
Michael Waterhouse, “Max”
Randy Hatcher, “Casa Grande Moon”
Jack Twiggs, “Desert Eagle”
2015 Photograph Third Place Award
Jack Twiggs, “Squirrel and Pumpkins”
2015 Photograph Second Place Award
Ron Ice, “Turning”
2015 Photograph First Place Award
Michael Waterhouse, “Looking To God”
2015 Photograph of the Year
Michael Waterhouse, “Folds of Sand”
Finally, based on total points of all photographs submitted for the entire year, Michael Waterhouse earned the title of Photographer of the Year. Michael has spent most of his life enjoying photography. He has been a member and officer of multiple photography clubs in Canada and the U.S. and held several shows displaying his work. His art is proudly displayed in homes and businesses in the U.S. and abroad. Congratulations, Michael, on this well-earned recognition.
Finally, Tim Battle was recognized for his outstanding leadership and direction for the club. The group has been elevated from a hobby club to a meaningful organization for both education and excellence. The club has nearly doubled in size thanks mainly to his diligence and that of the photography board. Regular meetings are the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the CATC building. Come check out this club that has something for everyone encompassing all levels of photography skill.
For more information, please go to the club website at http://www.rrphotoclub.org.