Susan Hebert
On a beautiful sunny, warm day over 160 Robson residents walked, rode, bowled, swam, hit a little ball, or hit a big ball to victory. Then it was all over, and the participants gathered together in the clubhouse to celebrate the sweet taste of triumph and the agony of “da feet” in the form of a giant feast of healthy food served to them by the Wildhorse Grill.
The Senior Olympics was once again an enormous success due to the hard work of the Living Well Committee, consisting of Susan Hebert, Fred Thompson, Fred van Nasser, Liz Dinkins, Tom Watrak, Marie Milleage, Linda Overfield, Barbara Moyles and Jerry Schlesinger. Special thanks to Mary Hunter, Fred van Naerseen, Tom Watrak, Linda Watrak, Tom Burke, Bob Cook, Frank and Judy Ruggerio and Grant Bergman for judging the events.
The winners of the Senior Olympics and their event are listed below:
Individual bicycling: Vicky Baker, 1106.9 miles
Lap Swimming Unassisted: Gary Chaffee, 401 Laps; Lap Swimming Assisted: Connie Chaffee, 416 Laps; Lap Walking: Catherine Roberson, 1427 Laps.
Walk Around Robson Teams
Pickleballers: Team total 1315.15 miles. Carol Hilton, 217.7 miles; Jennifer Hill, 230.95 miles; Cassie Richardson, 266.5 miles; Maury Fine, 600 miles
Early Bird Walk: All walkers were winners
Basketball Free Throw: Bob Cook, 14/20
Bolo Toss: Bob Cook, 9
Wii Bowling: Mary Arthur, 352 Total for two games
Bicycle Poker: Scott Baker, fastest time, 18 minutes; Charlotte Osburn, pair of 10’s
Table Tennis: Grant Bergmann
Water Volleyball: Margaret Browning, Sharon Martin, Sheryl Cook, Jack Lee, Bob Marshall, Christy Marshall
Pickleball, Platinum Team: Sherri Kerr, Phil Hilton, Carol Hilton, Ford Roberson, Jennifer Hill, Bob Gaylord, Cassie Richardson, Larry Dietrich
Pickleball, Gold Team: Kay Miller, Fred Monroe, Diane Ace, Mike Sabo, Pat Crump, Mike Waterhouse, Donna French, Jerry Waynant
Putting and Chipping: Manly Osburn
Water Basketball: Jack Lee, Vicki Baker, Paul Hartman, Bob Cook
As the last of the feast had been consumed and participants were walking out the door, I think I heard the talk of organizing and creating new strategies for the Living Well Olympics next year.