Barbara Anderson
The February meeting of the Robson Ranch Garden Club was held on Monday the 16th. A brief business meeting was conducted by the vice-president, Barbara Anderson, in the absence of the president, Janie Cindric.
The Garden Club is looking forward to a new program year beginning on 1 September 2015 with new officers: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. If you feel called to contribute your time and skills to this great Robson club, please call the president, Janie Cindric, at 262-0236.
The program for the meeting was presented by Jan Deatherage, president of the Elm Fork Master Naturalists, who was ably assisted by Scott Keister. The topic was Wild Neighbors: Situations and Solutions, dealing with unwanted wild creatures in our yards. First and foremost we are in their territory. Remember that coyotes are great at rabbit and rodent control. Those digging critters are looking for grubs under the soil. The digging does aerate the soil, but can cause damage to plant roots. The best plan for deterring the diggers is to eliminate the grubs through the use of beneficial nematodes, which can be purchased at Dennis’ Farm Store in Denton or at Lowe’s. Check with your local nursery to find rabbit-deterring plants, but be aware that rabbits are forever!
The Master Naturalists were followed by a brief talk by Dick Anderson, Assistant Supervisor of the Patrol, on what the Patrol does and does not do regarding wild critters. Not to worry; they do have the tools necessary to grab snakes! Here are two phone numbers to keep handy: Patrol at 940-464-7303 and Denton Animal Control at 940-349-8181.
We look forward to our March meeting on the 16th in the Lone Star Room. Remember, the Garden Club is open to all residents because we offer information and education that will help all of us to keep lovely yards and gardens, but we would hope that you would consider joining us. Several activities are available only to paid members.