Robson Ranch Genealogy Club


2 parents

4 grandparents

8 great grandparents

16 great great grandparents

32 great great great grandparents

64 great great great great grandparents

128 great great great great great grandparents

256 great great great great great great grandparents





It’s amazing how vast your family tree is once you start looking into your family history! The Robson Ranch Genealogy Club would like to invite you to join us in learning about the tools and research methods that can help you discover the many people who contributed to your being. Genealogy Club meetings are open to all Robson Ranch residents. Dues are $20 a year for individuals or $30 a year for couples.

On Jan. 4 we’ll watch a webinar titled, “Never Give Up: 5 Strategies for Overcoming Genealogical Angst,” at 7 p.m. in Room 104 of the CATC.

On Jan. 10 bring your laptop and questions for a help session at 2:30 p.m. in Room 104 of the CATC.

On Jan. 18 guest speaker Chris Womak will talk about “Using DNA for Crime Analysis.” Chris is a crime analyst at the Denton Police Department. We’ll meet at 7 p.m. in Room 104 of the CATC.

“You live as long as you are remembered. A family tree can wither if nobody tends to its roots.” —Anonymous