Robson Ranch resident Tom Pryor had an “aha” moment in 2013 when he asked a grandson a question.
“Do you remember what we gave you for your birthday last year?” His grandson looked to heaven hoping for the answer.
Tom bailed the grandson out by asking, “Do you remember where we took you last year?” He immediately answered “Yea, Washington D.C. for the 4th of July!”
That answer was Tom’s aha! Sharing experiences has more legacy potential than physical gifts.
A legacy is a gift from an ancestor. A timeline is a linear presentation of experiences and important events in the order they occurred. The combination is what Tom calls a LegacyLine™, a method to document and share experiences with family and friends.
Tom used the conversation with his grandson to create an Emeritus College class in 2014, How to Tell Your Story Using a Timeline. Because of positive feedback it was offered again spring 2015.
When a class member asked, “Is there a book you can recommend on how to tell your story with a timeline?” Tom’s research turned up nothing. Being a serial entrepreneur like many Robson Ranch residents, Tom decided to use his Emeritus College class content to write his sixth book titled LegacyLine™.
LegacyLine™ is now available on