Mary Ornberg
The jazzy beat of talented Jeffrey Barnes and his friends Bach Norwood, Steve Prouty and Thad Bondoris, entertained us with lively Dixieland and jazz music. They played several musical selections such as Sweet Georgia Brown, Yankee Doodle, Caravan and more. Jeffery was quite a versatile and talented musician playing a variety of instruments such as saxophone, clarinet, whistles, harmonica and more. Everyone in the audience got involved when the group played When the Saints go Marching In!
The new attendees introduced themselves and told where they live, how long they have been here and where they moved from. Teresa Blackburn-Korn read a list of all members who celebrated a birthday in July.
Our charity for this luncheon was Denton Community Food Bank which received $440 plus some miscellaneous food items.
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Upcoming events: Social Mixer on Wednesday, September 16.