WLN Hosts First Travel Day of the Year

Sixty Wildhorse Lady Niners took part in the first travel day of the year at Bridlewood Golf Club.

Cindy Voliva

Travel days are fun days for the Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN). When our course closes for routine maintenance, we hit the road. And it is amazing how driving 30 minutes away from the Ranch with friends can feel like a mini vacation. This year, the first of our three travel days, organized by Joyce Condit, was to Bridlewood Golf Club in Flower Mound. With an 8 a.m. shotgun start, we were off the Ranch before the sun came up. Sixty women participated in the scramble.

While it was all for fun and fun for all, the team in first place with the best gross score of 37 was Julie Stover, Lucy Lindsey, and Bonnie Kohnert. Bonnie also had a chip-in on the fourth hole. “It was a beautiful course,” said Julie Stover. “We had a great time.”

Tying for second place with a gross sEcore of 40 was the team of Gina Ross, Cathy Prechtel, Sandra Waggoner, and Machell Burtless and the team of Yvonne Callaway, Diane Prager, and Diana Warner. After golf, the group gathered at the course restaurant for lunch, drinks, and fellowship.

WLN’s next travel day will be Thursday, Sept. 5, to Grapevine Golf Course. In November, we will travel to Glen Rose, Texas, for an overnight trip with two days of golf.