Catholic Community September Meeting Highlights

Samuel Macaraeg, head of Campus Ministry for UNT and TWU

Marion Napurano

The Robson Ranch Catholic Community held its first meeting of the 2024-25, September through May, season on Sept. 10 in the clubhouse. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Brett Paxton. Rita Paxton and Gayle Olsen then covered information regarding upcoming faith sharing groups, Oktoberfest, Christmas Outreach for Our Daily Bread, and future meetings. An envelope was passed around for donations, which will be used to purchase items to be placed in a basket for the SOT Auction this November.

Gayle then introduced the speaker for the evening, Samuel Macaraeg, head of Campus Ministry for UNT and TWU. Sam is passionate about building structures in ministry that are effective, relevant, and possible. His talk, “It Takes a Village … Our Role in Raising the Next Generation of Catholics,” cultivates awareness of how each person can contribute to the broader Catholic Church’s success in the Denton area. Every person is needed to successfully pass on the Catholic faith to the next generation. Sam’s presentation was a wonderful learning experience for all in attendance who have children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, especially those who have fallen away from the faith. Sam gave us great insight as to what we can do to inspire these young people to continue in their faith journey long after they receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Nearly 80% of cradle Catholics are no longer Catholic by the age of 23. Sam encouraged the group to learn more about his campus ministry at both UNT and TWU by volunteering to help serve at their weekly dinners.

Our October meeting was held on Oct. 8 in the clubhouse. The speaker for the evening was David Powell, speaking on the New Eve and Queen of Heaven.