Drama Club Next Performance March 30—Save the Date

Our next live performance at the Robson Ranch clubhouse will be on March 30. Please look for HOA email announcements regarding our ticket sales.

The purpose of the Drama Club is to encourage the participation in the production of plays (acting, set construction, light design, and sound directing), provide Robson Ranch Drama Club members with the necessary skills and experience in the presentation of various forms of plays and skits, provide entertainment to the community, and attend performances and workshops outside of Robson Ranch presented by theater professionals.

Part of the great tradition of the theatre is a code of ethics, which belongs to every worker—amateur and professional—on the legitimate stage. This code, while tacit, has been observed throughout the centuries and will continue long after us. It is neither superstition nor dogma nor a statute enforced by law. It is an attitude toward craftsmanship, a respect for associates, and a dedication toward the audience. This code outlines a self-discipline which, far from robbing one of individuality, increases personal esteem and dignity through cooperation and common purpose. The result is perfection, which encompasses all that is meant by “good theatre.” We will deliver good theatre to you!

If you are interested in seeing what the Drama Club is all about, behind the scenes or on stage, please attend our monthly meeting held on the second Thursday of each month, or email President Mary Ornberg at [email protected]. We are a fun group, and we welcome everyone, with or without experience.