Cherlyn Conway
As this article was being written, it was a cold, wet, dreary morning on the streets of Osprey Lane, Brant Way, Cinnamon Drive, and Willet Way. The hearts of the neighborhood were smiling, though, knowing some of the kids of Denton County will be warm from the gifts of new coats that were collected in our annual neighborhood coat drive.
Every November, the RR Motorcycle Club appeals to collect new coats for the children of Denton County. For our neighborhood, there might be a slight resemblance to the sonnet and most famous quote on the bronze plaque on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.”
Our yearning for help comes at a much smaller scale, and we have no statue, only a big box on a front porch with a sign that says, “Coats 4 Kids.” And all the while, our mission is still to make someone feel warm, welcomed, loved, and cared about.
There were no ships bringing the weary, only a flyer to each house in the neighborhood stating that it was our time to answer the call for help and wrap the kids of Denton County with warmth, love, and coats of all colors, sizes, and shapes.
It didn’t take long, and this box on a porch with a simple sign had to be emptied many times. The final count for this year’s donation was 50 coats, the most we have ever collected!
This neighborhood is filled with people of many walks of life, just like the travelers on the ships to America. We may be different, but we are the same in that we will unite with a purpose with loving and caring hearts.
I find it humbling to live in such a great place, and it’s with great pride and joy that I find myself often sharing our neighborhood with you. I know you will be hearing from NxNW in 2025, as this neighborhood has become a family, and the planning for 2025 has already begun.