Robson Ranch Women’s Club Community Outreach

KD Rutherford

The Robson Ranch Women’s Club Community Outreach program was extremely busy during December. We raised $965 at the December luncheon for the Denton County Friends of the Family.

Led by Co-chairs Suzanne Spisak and Dianna Duncan, the club’s December projects included the 2024 Adopt-A-Family program and a Cookie Drive.

For the 2024 Adopt-A-Family, members bought gifts for 97 people in 45 families through the Denton County Friends of the Family Adopt-A-Family program. Each mother will receive a gift bag with a comfy holiday throw, a Women’s Club mug with a greeting card, and a box of home-baked Christmas cookies. Together, we are providing joy this holiday season for less fortunate individuals and families in Denton County.

For the Christmas Cookie Drive, 40 club members baked 115 dozen cookies! Ten club members gathered to fill 45 cookie boxes, and they prepared and filled the gift bags in an hour! The club was able to provide four pans of cookies for Our Daily Bread and four pans of cookies to Journey to Dream!

Our members’ hearts are filled with joy as we answer our mission to help others who are less fortunate.