Linda Buishas
Hopefully, on some quiet evening in December, everyone had a little time to sit back and relax, perhaps with a warm beverage or cozy fireplace glowing, and watch a favorite Christmas movie or two. Although Hallmark can delight us with heartfelt plots centered around the season, I still maintain that the oldies are the best.
My favorite has stood the test of time, but almost didn’t. Taken from Philip Van Doren Stern’s story, The Greatest Gift, it was released by Liberty Films under another title just after World War II. Because it was a box office failure, it sank into near oblivion until 1974 when it slipped into public domain due to the studio’s failure to renew the copyright. This allowed television stations to air it for free. Some might call it a “fluke,” an oversight, or misjudgment on the studio’s part. I like to think it was the destiny of one of the most moving and heartwarming tales ever told.
Sermons have been given about it, Bible studies have been based upon it, and, no doubt, it has inspired many lives. We sense the spirit of its title every time we hear someone express gratitude for the many blessings we experience here on the Ranch. No doubt you’ve guessed the title of my favorite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, now considered one of the greatest movies of all time.
Even the most hardened hearts can see that it’s a story about good versus evil and generosity versus greed. I see Jesus in the heart of George Bailey, the main character, who over and over, without hesitation, put his own interests and lifelong dreams aside in order to help make others’ lives better. In the end, the friends whose lives he has changed come to his rescue, and he realizes the value in what he already has. The brother whose life he saved said it best: “A toast to my brother George, the richest man in town.”
Earlier in the movie, when George is in deep despair, a miracle happens and he is shown the impact on others’ lives if he had never been born. The angel Clarence tells him, “Each man’s life touches so many other lives.” Jesus’ life touches us more profoundly than any other. Jesus and the life he gave us, in the words of the original title, is “The Greatest Gift” Without Jesus, we would have no hope of the wonderful life that only God can give, now and in eternity.
It’s a Wonderful Life reminds us that every life has value, family and friends are among our greatest riches, and we should never lose hope. May we begin this year with gratitude for the One who makes life worth living and for devoted friends who make our days a little richer. In the spirit of It’s a Wonderful Life, Happy New Year, my dear friends and neighbors! Let’s raise our glasses to one another, the richest people we know!