Suzanne Spisak
KD Rutherford
Community Outreach
Suzanne Spisak presented the charities that we will support in 2025. Last July the members were provided with a list of charities that benefit the underserved population of Denton County who are not affiliated with any political or religious organization. Based on the survey responses, the following charities received the most votes: Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas, Denton County Friends of the Family, Our Daily Bread, CASA of Denton County, Journey to Dream, and Denton Community Food Center. These charities made a brief presentation at the October board meeting. Based on member feedback and the board’s review, the top four charities were selected based on ratings and scope of the population they serve, as follows:
• Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas: Receive proceeds from the Home & Garden Show,
• Denton County Friends of the Family: Receive proceeds from Plant Auction at a future luncheon,
• Our Daily Bread: Receive proceeds from the Holiday Market Show, and
• Denton Community Food Center: Receive proceeds from a third fundraiser to be determined.
Denton County Friends of the Family, CASA of Denton County, Journey to Dream, and Denton Community Food Center will receive proceeds from Share the Blessings throughout the year.
Per our bylaws, the purpose of Community Outreach is to provide members with opportunities for social contacts as we volunteer together in support of Denton County charities that are designated by the board. We will continue to support Denton County Friends of the Family and Our Daily Bread through the ongoing projects that provide in-kind donations. A Day of Caring will be planned at Our Daily Bread and the Denton County Food Center. Suzanne recognized and thanked the 40 members who baked 115 dozen cookies for the Christmas Cookie Drive.
At our recent luncheon, $400 was raised for Denton Community Food Center. These funds will purchase about $2,800 worth of food. Tom Newell from Denton Community Food Center was present and drew the winning ticket. The Share the Blessings lunch certificate was won by Sandy Conwell.
Save the Date! Ways & Means announced that the Robson Ranch Women’s Club Home & Garden Show will be held on Saturday, March 15, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas.