Conservatism 101

Jan Brefczynski

In keeping with their mission to foster conservative values through education, the Conservative Women of Action sponsored a panel discussion on Feb. 4 entitled “Conservatism: What’s to Conserve?” Moderated by Club Chair Julie Greenawalt, the event featured Gloria McDonald, Denton County Conservative Coalition; Melinda Preston, Grassroots Activist; and Steve Sullivan, President of the Robson Ranch Conservatives.

The panelists first examined the men who drafted our Constitution and their core values. They were men of faith, and that faith not only inspired the document, but also illustrates how it is foundational to conservatism. The Founding Fathers established the concept of American exceptionalism and established a new political legitimacy based on the well-known precepts that all men are created equal and are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that legitimacy is derived from the consent of the governed; and that our natural rights do not come from the government, but from nature and God’s laws.

The discussion continued around how the enjoyment of liberty includes rights and responsibilities that are best promoted by maintaining the rule of law, judicial restraint, sovereign independence, and a strong national defense. The panelists examined how conflict with ideological opponents has affected our society and ended with ways individuals can “lean into” their own conservatism by volunteering with local organizations or attending educational events such as today’s.

The Conservative Women of Action is an independent club at Robson Ranch devoted to the promotion of conservative values through education, charitable works, and faith-based initiatives while influencing leadership at the local, state, and national levels. Additional educational sessions are planned for the first Tuesday of every other month. The next session on April 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Patriot Room features grassroots activist and tech expert Brett Rogers on “Campaigning and Winning!” All are welcome to attend, including spouses. For questions, check our website at or drop us an email at [email protected].