The Drama Club—Now Is the Time

Mary Ornberg

Our next live performance will be on March 30 at the Robson Ranch clubhouse. All plays are delightful comedies. Three of the plays selected are from A Funny Little Thing Called Love, by Jones Hope Wooten. The first one is called Love Is “On the Air,” starring Don and Mary Taylor, with Ronda Gunther being a roving reporter. The second of the series is called Lone Star Ladies Justice Brigade, featuring Tom Gunther, Grace Jenkins, Shirley Waterhouse, Ronda Gunther, and Michelle Boscoe. The third play is A Hono-Lulu of a Honeymoon, with Frankie Germany, Alan Stark, Andrea Fisher, Lisa Locke, Shirley Waterhouse, Gayle Brothers, and Tony Kura. The play Cruise Queens, by Clinton Festa, was selected to top off our performance. It stars Fran Hackley, Vicki Parr, Mary Fabian, Tony Kura, and Alan Stark.

Come to our performance to see what additional display of talent is presented for your entertainment. Cruise Queens and Hono-Lulu of a Honeymoon are directed by Deb Deverich. Love Is “On the Air” and Lone Star Ladies Justice Brigade are directed by Kathy Jacobs.

Tickets are now on sale at the clubhouse on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m. The price is $15 per ticket.

The purpose of the Drama Club is to: Encourage the participation in the production of plays (acting, set construction, light design, and sound directing), provide Robson Ranch Drama Club members with the necessary skills and experience in the presentation of various forms of plays and skits, provide entertainment to the community, and attend performances and workshops outside of Robson Ranch presented by theater professionals.

If you are interested in seeing what the Drama Club is all about, behind the scenes or on stage, please attend our monthly meeting, held on the second Thursday of each month, or email President Mary Ornberg at [email protected]. We are a fun group, and we welcome everyone, with or without experience.