“Art Is Our Happy Place” Exhibition

Rosie Bouse

There was a happy hum in the clubhouse hallways as attendees of the “Art Is Our Happy Place” winter exhibition came to meet the artists on Feb. 22. The guests ambled leisurely, chatting with the artists during the cocktail hour, which preceded the Big Swing’n Band dance.

A wide variety of art was displayed in a beautiful collection of 55 pieces. In addition to displaying their art on easels, many of the Paint & Palette Club members also present themselves artistically with their handcrafted jewelry and colorful attire. You might say, “They creatively decorate themselves!”

We are truly grateful to Julia Kellog and the many who helped set up easels and artwork to prepare for this exhibition. Thank you to Ann Swirczynski who, as secretary, keeps members tuned in to all classes and events.

The pleasant exchange between guests at the exhibit and artists brought a mutual delight. Art truly lifts the spirit, providing a “happy place.” What a perfect time to enjoy a diversion from winter’s doldrums!

Upcoming events for Paint & Palette Club members are Carolyn Buckman’s classes on acrylic painting on Mondays, March 17 and March 24, which are free to members who sign up as space allows. After a determined number of members sign up, there will be a wait list. With enough interest, additional classes could be planned.

If you would like to join the Paint & Palette Club or just inquire about our activities, you may stop by the Indian Paint Brush Room, Room 103, in the CATC building. There you will find members at work on Mondays from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and Fridays from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Membership dues are $10 for the year.

Stay tuned to see who the next featured artist will be in April’s Pioneer Press article. It has been a delight to feature our talented members with diverse backgrounds and artistic endeavors.