KD Rutherford
The Women’s Club program for April 7 is a returning favorite! Le Fashion Coach will be providing a fashion show with the latest fashion trends for spring. Not only will we see our very own Robson Ranch women model the outfits, but the next day, Le Fashion Coach will return so you can purchase anything that you can’t live without. Space is limited at the luncheon, so please reserve your place early.
The April luncheon will be a buffet: Trio salad: balsamic vinaigrette corkscrew pasta salad, chicken salad, house salad with raspberry vinaigrette and ranch dressing, and garlic knots. Dessert will be chocolate mousse cake.
Luncheon checks are due by Monday, March 31, at 8 a.m. Deposit your $19 luncheon check in the Sports Center Women’s Lounge in the white mailbox. You can also pay for your luncheon by PayPal. Check the website at www.rrwomensclub.org.
The charity for the April luncheon is the Denton Community Food Center, and donations will go for their summer Snack Pack Drive.
President Donna DeBoever called the February meeting to order at 11:22 a.m. and advised that the goal to conclude meetings will be 1:30 p.m. Donna reminded members to check the red folders with “Read Me” and to review the slideshow for important information.
Donna DeBoever and Chris Anderson introduced new members, first-time attendees, and guests. There were 15 individuals introduced. During the February business meeting, we learned that as of the meeting, we have more than 290 members. Speaking of membership, it is time to renew. Membership dues are $20 (payable to RRWC) and are good until the end of 2025. Membership forms can be found at www.rrwomensclub.org. Please note, your membership check should be separate from the luncheon check.
Save the date! Ways & Means announced that the Robson Ranch Women’s Club Home & Garden Show will be held on Saturday, March 15, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas. Ace Hardware of Justin donated a pizza oven, and raffle tickets will be sold during the luncheons and Home & Garden Show.
We’ve had some spectacular programs this year:
At the January luncheon, Debbie Deverich introduced the speaker by singing “Fly Me to the Moon.” Ann Patterson, a Robson resident, discussed her career in the aerospace industry. She began her career with McDonnell Douglas and then worked for NASA. In 1974 she worked with the Russians on Apollo Soyuz. In 1978 Ann applied to the astronaut program with 8,000 other applicants. She was refused due to her height of under 5 feet. Ann participated in many of the astronaut training activities. Her stories and information on space and NASA were very interesting and entertaining.
At the February luncheon we were entertained by Theatre Denton. Mike Barrow, executive director, provided some highlights and history of Theatre Denton. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Mike, Kyleen, and Jett entertained us with “Songs of Love.” At the end of the show, there was a drawing for two show tickets, won by Judye Shannon.
A friendly reminder to like and follow us on Facebook: Robson Ranch Women’s Club.