The Rules Compliance Committee will have one or more openings for new committee members in 2016.
The express purpose of the Rules Compliance Committee shall be to collect data and provide information and recommendations to the Board regarding any and all Rules Compliance matters related to the Board’s administration of the affairs of the Association.
As a committee member you are asked to attend one regularly scheduled meeting per month. With the exception of the summer months the meetings are generally scheduled on the second Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. To serve you must be a Robson Ranch homeowner in good standing. Any previous HOA or other community leadership experience from any community is always an asset. The most important asset is that you want to be active in our community here at Robson Ranch and feel you can make a difference and a positive contribution. We encourage all who are interested to apply.
If you have an interest in serving on the committee, please stop by the HOA office and fill out an application. We plan to interview candidates at our November meeting.