All about living well at Robson Ranch


Kristen Price

Many Robson Ranch residents don’t know exactly what the Robson Living Well Committee is all about. It isn’t just another club. This one is part of the HOA and your dues help support these committee events. Our vision is to help educate our residents on not only healthier lifestyles, but also in furthering educational knowledge throughout the year.

We do this by offering blood pressure checks twice a month, monthly seminars such as a health seminar for women and another one for men each year and Medicare information and updates. Then there are the walk-a-bouts, the 4th of July Fun Run, the Turkey Trot and the yearly Robson Olympics which takes many weeks of planning and generally runs over a month-long time period.

Living Well has hosted numerous medical practitioners who have spoken on subjects explicitly directed at our aging residents such as arthritis and joint disease, vertigo, allergies and asthma, brain health, grief and loss, pain management, improving sleep and a multitude of other subjects. And if you happened to miss a seminar in person, 2016- 2018 summaries are available on the Living Well Website to read or download at There are also workshops held periodically, typically for four to six weeks on Better Balance, Diabetes Management, Chronic Pain and other topics.

And let’s not forget the weekly Farmer’s Market held in the Clubhouse parking lot each Friday from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., depending on the weather. All of the vendors accept major credit cards. Currently there are four local vendors: Doug’s Market, Salsa Revolution, Lucido’s Garden and Aunt Sue’s Barn.

Visit the Living Well Website at You can sign up for the Robson Ranch Living Well Committee mail list here: