Lorraine Hecker (photo by Susan Parker)

Karen Dickens (photo by Susan Parker)
Susan Parker
Over 70 Boomers came out for the Spring Fling. The group dined on pulled pork sliders on a pretzel roll, coleslaw, and the Grill’s homemade chips. The drink special for the evening was a margarita!
To help our members mingle and get to know each other, we played Spring Fling Bingo. The members needed to complete the bingo spaces by finding people who matched the question. We learned how many people have lived in another country, how many were born on the same day, etc.
The three winners received a potted plant for their gardens. The winners were Lorraine Hecker, Dan Patrick, and Karen Dickens.
There are no dues or membership sign-ups required. If you are interested in being added to our email list, please contact Carol Jankowski at [email protected] or Susan Parker at [email protected].