Men’s Bible Study (photo by Bruce Drury)
Cynthia Drury
Every Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. the Robson Ranch clubhouse comes alive as more than 25 women and 19 men from Fellowship At The Ranch Church, as well as friends and neighbors, meet for their weekly Bible Studies.
The men meet in the Patriot Room where they are studying the minor prophets, starting with the Book of Hosea. Pastor Ed Jones is leading the open forum-style study with discussions, questions, and answers, “digging into things most people ignore,” according to Pastor Jones. This often provides lively discussions on various topics. In addition to the Bible study, the men have a monthly Fellowship breakfast and occasional lunches at the Wildhorse Grill.
The women meet in the Heritage Room where they are learning “Who Am I in Christ” through a study of the Books of Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians. Led by Kathy Jeffrey, this interactive Study includes reading assignments, homework questions, and discussions in a format similar to Bible Study Fellowship. According to Mrs. Jeffrey, “One of the goals of the study is to make us hungry for Jesus.” An additional benefit of studying the Bible together is the fellowship, sharing, and learning together. Women’s activities are planned throughout the year, such as lunches at the Grill, afternoon teas, and special day trips.
Both Bible Studies are available live on the Fellowship At The Ranch Church YouTube channel and recorded for future viewing. They can be accessed through our website www.FellowshipAtTheRanchChurch.com.
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