Bookbinding More Than You Can Imagine!

Sandy Hestes

Karla and Julia are our featured artisans with a display of creative books they’ve made themselves. You’ll find their artwork in the case just outside Room 103 in the CATC building. Take a look. Their talent is so unique, and you will be amazed!

Karla Bennetsen moved to Robson six years ago (from Louisville, Milwaukee, Chicago, and St. Louis). She grew up “creating” something all the time. Her latest endeavor is bookbinding after taking a binding class. She has joined the international community of artists and bookbinders online. The process of making a book is meditative and involves a lot of steps. It takes you into a world of mixed media, collage, printmaking, and even paper making!

Julia Kellogg came to Robson last February from Menomonee Falls, Wisc. (Milwaukee area). She was introduced to an art retreat venue that hosted nationally known artists. She’s taken a variety of mixed media workshops that included bookbinding, paper painting, collage, and jewelry. Bookbinding became her first love. Like Karla, she’s a member of the international bookbinding community.

Both artists found their way to the Paint & Palette Club and enjoy the opportunities to learn, collaborate, and share their knowledge. They encourage everyone to try bookbinding if you have an interest. Anyone can do it! Once you’ve made a beautiful book, you then have blank pages to fill with artwork, poems, notes, or daily lists. Karla says she needs more days in the week to explore all the rabbit holes of bookbinding!