We’re in the box – creative, colorful, meaningful

Attentive attendees: Billie Connell, Nancy Nevius, Peggy Zilinsky, Guest, Donna Hornsby from GA, Cathy Woods, Renee Carlson, Pauline House, Karen Wesselmann, Karen Payne, Sandra Anderson, Martha Crump and Vicky Ware

Attentive attendees: Billie Connell, Nancy Nevius, Peggy Zilinsky, Guest, Donna Hornsby from GA, Cathy Woods, Renee Carlson, Pauline House, Karen Wesselmann, Karen Payne, Sandra Anderson, Martha Crump and Vicky Ware

Sherry Zeise; Photography by Nancy Thomas

The lovely home of Jerry and Paula Johnston warmly welcomed 23 members of the New Life Church Ladies Lunch Bunch in September. Paula’s charming welcome and genuine enthusiasm for the event set it off beautifully. “Creative” was the key word for today’s luncheon.

Ladies Lunch Bunch members never fail to please the palate when offering a dish or dessert. We were asked to bring salads. You would think “bowls of greens, tomatoes and dressings.” Au contraire! These creative cooks brought tuna, pasta, potato, shrimp, Asian and more salads.


You know Robson Ranch ladies have style! Each of the lady’s outfits, Paula’s home’s appointments and decorations and revelations of favorite colors brightened the room and atmosphere of the event. You can’t discuss our ladies without realizing how colorful their personalities are! Cheery, charming chatter, as always, brought laughter and fun, some news and needed encouragement.


Each time Ladies Lunch Bunch meets someone will allude to the fact that these get-togethers are meaningful. The fellowship and camaraderie among the group truly means a lot: meeting new friends, to share burdens, good news and crazy experiences, to know that we matter and are important to the Lord, to the group, and to our community and to experience presentations, which make us aware of our purpose as Christians, wives, neighbors, friends and mothers-to-be meaningful.

Speaking of meaningful!

This month’s program compared us to crayons! The moment she gave the history, purpose and slogan of Crayola we understood: “Creating something colorfully you.”

Jois unfolded that to apply to us as individuals and as tools of God to brighten and impact our world! She emphasized that each of us was different for a reason. Each of us, like crayons, “comes in a variety of sizes and colors. We come in a wide range of personalities, talents, skills and desires, all uniquely created in the image of God. Some of us are easy to work with, some have messy lives, some are sharp, some are blunt, some are bright and vibrant, some are dull and boring.” Each of us brings a shade, a tone or texture to life. Our color adds to the interest, beauty and diversity of our world. How do we fit in the box? We all have a place in there.

At the close, Jois asked us to take a moment to ask the Lord to reveal to us the name of someone with whom He particularly wanted to have us pray for and share Him. Then Ruthie Klein went around the room to give each of us a small box of Crayolas to place somewhere to help us remember that person and to ask Him how we can be there for him or her.

How cunning our creative, colorful, meaningful God, to place us in the box where we are as we are to produce a “life-scape” to His honor and glory.