A busy 2017 for Material Girls


Sandi Price

Robson’s Material Girls not only created hundreds of projects for themselves, families and friends in 2017 but also managed to contribute to ongoing charitable projects that keep growing every year.

At many meetings I often hear new requests for quilts and other projects and never hear a no, but rather how many do they need? And then these overachievers exceed those numbers many times over.

During 2017 here’s what they donated:

Eight Soldier Quilts for the American Hero Project

Two hundred fifty-six Christmas stockings that were distributed to Cumberland Children’s Home, CASA, SOT deployed soldiers, Borman Elementary School and downtown Dallas Ministry.

Two hundred five pillowcases to Cumberland Children’s Home, CASA and Friends of Family

Two hundred two Cancer Pillows and 100 Cancer Hats for the Denton Cancer Center

Two hundred drawstring bags (backpacks) for the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Children’s Project

Hundreds of various baby quilts, blankets, toys and other handmade items to Operation Baby Shower for pregnant wives of deployed military.

A new project they have just taken on is making warm twin bed quilts for an orphanage in the Kenya Mountains. They promised 10 and already had 15 on the first of December, only two weeks after the request came in. By the time they are finished I have no doubt that number will undoubtedly grow to 50 or more.

All of us are looking forward to 2018 and lots more projects.