Category: Features
Features, February 2023
Yard of the Month

Erminja Maganja, Garden Club Publicity Chair The Garden Club Board has selected the yard of Letha and Jay Straub as the recipients of the honorary Yard of the Month award for February 2023. The Straub’s yard is consistently one of the best tended and beautiful in Robson, and the board wanted to recognize their efforts.…
Features, February 2023
U.S. Military History: The Tomb
Ross Dunfee “Soldier, put those bodies in the graves and get them buried.” “Sargent, what names should I put on each of the grave markers?” “I don’t know. For now, just mark it Unknown.” This conversation has occurred throughout many wars around the world. Identifying and repatriating the deceased is a logistical nightmare. It is…
Features, February 2023
Artist Spotlight: JJ Melkus

Sandy Hestes Our 44-year-old and youngest artist resident hails from Nebraska. He now lives with his father Gordon Melkus here at the Ranch. JJ holds a degree from Fresno College in CNC (Computer Numeric Control). An avid sports fan, JJ enjoys football, ice-hockey, and soccer. His favorite teams are the Eagles, the Devils, and Liverpool…
Features, February 2023
Word of the Month: Abecedarian
David Zapatka Reader, friend, and fellow pickleball player Janie Blake-Zunino writes, “While reading Dancing with the Muse in Old Age by Priscilla Long, I read the word abecedarian and found it interesting.” Abecedarian abe·ce·dar·i·an noun a person who is just learning; a novice adjective 1. arranged alphabetically 2. rudimentary; elementary Origin and Etymology—abecedary “alphabet book, primer” (going back to…
Features, February 2023
Essential Oils Can Be an Integral Part of Your Daily Exercise
JoAnne Gaudioso The foundation of the Wellness Lifestyle Pyramid is good nutrition habits. The next step on the pyramid is exercise. This time of the year when we reset our goals, exercise is usually top of the mind for most people. Over the holidays, not only do we lose sight of healthy nutritional habits, but…