Category: March 2025

Robson Ranch Women’s Club News

KD Rutherford The Women’s Club program for April 7 is a returning favorite! Le Fashion Coach will be providing a fashion show with the latest fashion trends for spring. Not only will we see our very own Robson Ranch women model the outfits, but the next day, Le Fashion Coach will return so you can…

Drone Club January Meeting

Steve Simpson The January meeting of the Robson Ranch Drone Club was held on Jan. 27 at the Creative Arts and Technology Center in Room 104 (Bluebonnet Room) starting at 7 p.m. Club officers Steve Simpson and Dennis Brooks presented “Christmas Magic at Robson 2024.” The meeting agenda included the following: Why, Strategy, Equipment, Locations,…

“Art Is Our Happy Place” Exhibition

Rosie Bouse There was a happy hum in the clubhouse hallways as attendees of the “Art Is Our Happy Place” winter exhibition came to meet the artists on Feb. 22. The guests ambled leisurely, chatting with the artists during the cocktail hour, which preceded the Big Swing’n Band dance. A wide variety of art was…

Patriot Paws and SOT

Lynne Moore One of Support Our Troops’ (SOT) favorite charities we support is called Patriot Paws, located in Rockwall, Texas. They have been providing service dogs for veterans for a number of years. It takes quite a while for a dog to be trained, but once that dog picks their veteran, they are together for…

Two Denton County Master Gardener Spring Events

Denton County Master Gardener Association DCMGA Spring Plant Sale When: Saturday, April 26, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or sell-out Where: North Texas Fairgrounds, 2217 N. Carroll Blvd., Denton Spring is an exciting time for gardeners! After the brown, sad look of our landscapes during the winter, green is coming up everywhere as perennial plants…

March Forth and Get Involved in Your Library!

Becky Frusher This spring there are plenty of opportunities for enrichment at the library. For those who like to read and discuss books, our popular Book Talk series continues in April with a 2024 Pulitzer Prize-winning historical non-fiction title. If leadership is your thing, the Friends of the Library (FOL) is accepting nominations for two…

And the Winners Are …

Paul Knopick Robson’s Just Good Readin’ Book Club has selected 12 excellent reads and started discussing these on March 3. Robson’s group meets on the first Monday of every month (except holidays) at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse. All are invited. March 3: The Optimist’s Daughter, by Edora Welty. Said one reviewer, “Welty is a…

For March—Think Green

Deena Barber, Sassy Stampers Club When a certain month comes to mind, we often associate it with a color. For instance, in December, red and green are popular. Think of orange and brown for October and November. July is always associated with red, white, and blue. For March, think green, as we associate it with…

Kiwanis Club Briefed on the Work of Chaplain Clements

Jim Galbraith introduced Chaplain David Clements from the Denton County Jail System. Chaplain Clements provides services at the Denton County Jail, was a member of the Texas Army National Guard on several deployments, and provides Chaplain Services at the DFW Airport. He has worked with Denton County for six years but was deployed several times…