Category: Religion

Catholic Community September Meeting Highlights

Marion Napurano The Robson Ranch Catholic Community held its first meeting of the 2024-25, September through May, season on Sept. 10 in the clubhouse. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Brett Paxton. Rita Paxton and Gayle Olsen then covered information regarding upcoming faith sharing groups, Oktoberfest, Christmas Outreach for Our Daily Bread, and…

Seeds of Grace

Linda Buishas How many thoughts do you think each day? Just one Google search led me to a study that suggests we have over 6,000 thoughts during our waking hours. But wouldn’t the more relevant question be, what are we thinking about? My thoughts often follow a figurative “rabbit trail,” sometimes leading to enlightenment or…

Gospel Songs Filled the Night!

Cynthia Drury Fellowship At The Ranch hosted its second Gospel Concert on Sept. 22, featuring the Singing Women of Texas – North Chapter. The clubhouse was filled with the beautiful sounds of 58 women singing, led by their director Megan Smallwood, and accompanied by Deanne Stroope on piano and Donna Lynch on the bass. They…

Tyranny of the Urgent

Ed Jones “Now!” “Now!” is the demand of the urgent. Like your phone ringing. The dishes in the sink. Clothes to be washed. The yard that needs to be mowed. One more thing to finish at the office before heading home. “Now!” To which a lot of us dutifully respond with a “Yes!” Recently, I…