Trivia Night will be Friday, February 17, 2017, from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person and spectator tickets are $5 per person. Don’t miss the first Trivia night of 2017! The game consists of teams of eight players, six rounds of three questions each with prizes awarded to the first, second and…
Category: December 2016
Generals, December 2016
HOA Trivia Night

Althea Parent The November Trivia was the last one for 2016. Our sponsor, Emilio Gonzalaz from RFG Wealth Management, came with his colleague Susan Dawson, her husband and Emilio’s wife. Emilio did an excellent job being the music extraordinaire and timekeeper, and Susan was handing out door prizes. Emilio brought individual bags of gourmet popcorn,…
Sports, December 2016
Wildhorse Grill, Bar and Lounge reopens after stunning remodel

The Wildhorse Grill reopened their doors after undergoing renovations along with hosting a “Taste of Robson Ranch” celebration. Residents and visitors to the community enjoyed a variety of tasting samples from fried pickles with Cajun Ranch dressing to Boursin burgers and bread pudding shooters as well as cooking demonstrations throughout the afternoon. Self-guided exploration tours…
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
Tuesday Tasters

Janie Farnsworth The Tuesday Tasters were celebrated at the beautiful new home of Tom and Vickie Moses on November 15. Tom and Vickie chose to host with American Wines from the West Coast. Five wines were represented as we munched on delicious appetizers. Our fifth place wine was a Josh Red Blend Family Reserve brought…
Generals, December 2016
HOA presents Vocal Trash, Saturday, January 14, 2017

Back by popular demand, the HOA presents the Vocal Trash Concert on Saturday, January 14, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse Auditorium. The cost is $26 per person, which includes the sales tax. Vocal Trash makes music in harmony with the environment by fusing world class singing, industrial styles, drumming, award winning break-dancing and…
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
Singles Halloween costume contest

The Robson Ranch Singles Club celebrated Halloween in style this year with dinner, music, dancing and of course, a costume contest. Over 100 club members attended. The event was October 31 in the Clubhouse. The Wildhorse Grill presented a great buffet featuring chicken marsala, pasta, salad and cannolis for dessert. Music was provided by Robson’s…
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
Woodworking for everyone
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
Kiwanis salutes Watson Crumbie

Jim Galbraith He received a standing ovation by the members of the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch at a recent meeting as Mr. Watson Crumbie concluded his presentation on the valiant Marines and Army personnel who fought at the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea during the winter months of 1950. Some 25,000 Marines faced the…
Features, December 2016
Robson Ranch Artist Spotlight

The Spotlight Window next to the woodshop at the Creative Arts and Technology Center is highlighting another fine artist residing at Robson Ranch. Donna Shuford, like many of us, is a transplant from another state. She graduated from the University of Illinois and has furthered her studies in France, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Peru and…