Imaginative and cheery table decorations greeted the eye for the full fall theme at the Women’s Club Lunch on November 5, 2018. Vegetables gave shape to reclining figures and bright orange was the key color on many tables. President Mary Ornberg opened the business meeting. Bobbi Hardt and microphone traveled the floor to new members…
Category: December 2018
Religion, December 2018
Songs of thankful praise

Sherry Zeise November Lunch Bunch has always been a favorite meeting of the year, because we have Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings and the men join us, instead of going to Outlaw Burger. This time forty-five New Life Church members and friends came to enjoy the warm congeniality of Jim and Carol Hansen. We…
Generals, December 2018
Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming events at Robson Ranch
February 5, 2019 UNT Mariachi Concert 7:00–9:00 p.m. $5 per person February 8, 2019 Cary Long Comedy Night 7:00–9:00 p.m. $28 per person February 15, 2019 Trivia Night 7:00-9:30 p.m. Player: $10 per person; Spectator: $5 per person March 22, 2019 Vocal Trash 7:00–9:00 p.m. $26 per person April 6, 2019 Health Fair 9:00 a.m.–1:00…
Generals, December 2018
Robson Ranch community has the spirit of giving

Nancy Burns Once again, the After Schoolers wish to thank you for helping to make our fall Garage Sale a huge success. Proceeds from the sale are used to support the teachers and staff of Borman Elementary and LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex in Denton. At the beginning of the school year each teacher received a…
December 2018
Pastor’s Corner
Jim Mann Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece and was thought to be the home of gods. The twelve Olympians, with Zeus at their head, made their dwelling atop this great mountain…high above the average man, often above the clouds, far away from the grinding lives of mortals. In this, the Greeks are…
Clubs & Classes, December 2018
Voices United
The Voices United Women’s Group consists of Robson Ranch residents who meet on a regular basis to discuss progressive values. Not only do we discuss local, state and national issues over lunch, but we give back to the local Denton Community with projects which provide a helping hand to local citizens in need. In July…
Sports, December 2018
Thank you 2018 RRWGA Hoof n’ Heals sponsors
Thank you to all the wonderful sponsors for the 2018 RRWGA Hoof N Heels Golf Tournament. We could not have done it without you! Platinum Sponsors: Robson Ranch Sales Office, UMB Bank. Gold Sponsors: Grapevine Golf Cars, Miller Weisbrod LLP Attorneys at Law, BCI Mechanical. Silver Sponsors: AccuAid care Services, Metro Golf Cars, KGD Two Cruises, Brandt Travel…
Sports, December 2018
You Just Got Served – Single Ladder starts

Don Pooley The Robson Ranch Denton Table Tennis Club began a “You Just Got Served” Singles Ladder in October. The participating 28 players were placed on the starting ladder board using a random draw. A ladder participant can challenge another person within four positions above them on the ladder and if successful take the new…
Generals, December 2018
Stonewood Blocktoberfest 2018

Sandi Price For the third year in a row, the street of Stonewood at Robson Ranch Texas has played host to the newer section of the Woods with a street party Octoberfest extravaganza. We took in Lindenwood, Orangewood, Blackwood, Ironwood, Baywood and I’m sure a few others who couldn’t resist joining the festivities. The party…
December 2018
Rock and Roll Martini Group celebrates the 60’s

Dave Parker The House Band (host) for the November meeting of the Rock and Roll Martini Group was Bob and Nancy Tastle. Bob and Nancy declared the evening a celebration of the ’60s and the Rockers (members) came ready to party. Concert DVDs played on the TV while the costume contest began. Bob and Nancy…