Linda Buishas ‘Twas the night before Christmas Virgin Mary pondered her state. Soon she’d give birth to our Lord. Oh! She could hardly wait! Soon all would be revealed Of the message Gabriel had brought. Soon the Savior of the World would come. It was He, she carried beneath her heart. Joseph believed all the…
Category: Features
December 2024, Features
Donna Garland—Registered Nurse by Day, Cookier by Night

Karen Mckinnon Donna Garland has been creating custom cookies since 2019. She is a self-taught baker who learned by watching cookie videos, taking online classes, and lots of experimentation. All of her experimentation, taste testing, and hours of design practice to develop the perfect cookie was finally awarded a silver medal in Julia Usher’s Cookie…
Features, December 2024
Resident Votes in Her 20th Presidential Election

Jeanne Porter voted at Robson Ranch in Denton, Texas, in her 20th presidential election. She first voted in the 1944 election between Thomas Dewey and FDR. After she and her husband Dick retired from teaching in Connecticut, they moved to Sun Lakes Country Club in the early 1980s, and they lived at 8883 Fairway Blvd.…
Features, December 2024
Villas Veterans Appreciation

Bob Hestes On Veterans Day 30 friends, family, and neighbors paid tribute to veterans in the Villas. Coffee, donuts, pictures, and stories were shared among the group. Additionally, a Quilt of Valor ceremony took place, honoring three brave veterans in the community. Everyone witnessed the emotional moment as each veteran was presented with their handmade…
Features, December 2024
Welcome New Neighbors
Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: John and Beverly Cochran, Tim and Michelle Corcoran, Ellen Flood, Rachel Ford and Timothy Malcom, Frank George and Deborah Watts, Barbara Gillis, Gary and Trina Jackson, Starla Knapp, Thomas and Pamela Korsmo, Stephen and Lynn Marsh, Danielle Mookhoek, Don and Tammy Moore, David and Joyce…
Features, December 2024
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the January edition is Dec. 23 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.
Features, December 2024
Congratulations, Marsha!
Features, December 2024
Seeds of Grace
Linda Buishas I have many happy memories of spending Christmas Eve with my husband’s family. A favorite among them is my brother-in-law Joe reading from The Secret of the Gifts, by Paul Flucke. It’s an imaginary tale of the Angel Gabriel and three wisemen: Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. Gabriel warns them that their gifts must…