Left to right: Kathy Sapp, co-president; Mary Goodpaster and John Goodpaster, presidents for the following year; Irene Manning, secretary and Dorothy Hogan, co-president
Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on May 12 for their last meeting before summer. There was a very short meeting followed by a potluck dinner. New officers were announced after nominations from the floor were taken. The presidency for the new year will be shared by Kathy Sapp and Dorothy Hogan. Irene Manning had agreed to stay on as secretary/treasurer for another year. The potluck dinner was comprised of many wonderful dishes from soup to nuts. Susan Galbraith, the out-going president, had everyone take part in some fun games, which included a chance to win some prizes. All in all it turned out to be a wonderful evening for those who attended. We look forward for the meetings to resume in September.
Wishing everyone a safe and grand summer.