Irene Manning
Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on February 9 at the attractive home of John and Mary Goodpaster. The guest speaker was Kim Brown from Denton. Kim is in the process of becoming a Sister with a new order “Kingdom of God Sisters” in the Diocese if Fort Worth. Kim serves as an adult Faith Formation Director for the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. She is also the author of Spiritual Along the Camino, which has been featured on EWTN radio. Kim outlined how we can make Lent this year a very special 40 days. Typically people will give up something such as sweets, but it’s also a time for reflection and prayer. We can also give up that favorite TV show or even give up TV entirely. We can take time to study the bible or give alms for the poor. Lent gives us an opportunity to be transformed. We don’t want to give up swearing and then when Lent is over go back to swearing. Fasting strengthens our character and helps us to strengthen our self-control. It was a very spiritual and enlightening evening.
We ended the evening with some wonderful snacks and fellowship with those in attendance.