The Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on March 14 in the charming home of Deacon Jim and Susan Galbraith. The meeting was opened with a prayer, and Mr. John Goodpaster, the president of the Catholic Club, introduced the guest speaker, Roy Metzler. Mr. Metzler is the president of the Monsignor King Outreach Center. The Monsignor King Outreach Center was formed to provide basic essential emergency assistance to homeless membe
rs or our community during times of inclement weather. The Center originally came to being in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, but because the facilities were really not adequate, the search was on for a proper facility. The city had built a new animal shelter, and the old animal shelter was vacant. Mayor Chris Watts and Greg Johnson, who at that time was on the City Council, felt that if there was a facility for dogs there certainly should be a proper facility for the homeless. Mayor Watts went to the City Council with Greg Johnson’s help and presented a plan where the vacant dog shelter could be used for the homeless. The agreement was to lease the shelter for one dollar a year for the next 10 years. They did some renovation initially, but at the present a great deal of renovating is taking place to accommodate a larger number of clients. From October to December of last year they housed 147 males and 47 females. The Center houses the homeless when the temperature is either 32 degrees and below in the winter or 100 degrees in the summer. All those who supervise or help at the Center are volunteers. Two meals a day are served, which are provided free of charge by Our Daily Bread. The Center in open Monday through Wednesday. Members of the Catholic Club were anxious to talk to Mr. Metzler to find out how they can help.
It was Dr. Manning’s birthday, and as a surprise Susan Galbraith baked a chocolate birthday cake. There were lots of other goodies to enjoy, and there is always time for socializing.