Irene Manning
Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on October 10 at the home of Dorothy Hogan. The meeting was opened with a prayer and additional prayers for those still struggling from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. We also prayed for all those in need of prayer.
John Goodpaster introduced our guest speaker, David Lesley. Mr. Lesley is the Assistant Manager/Volunteer Coordinator for the Freedom House here in Denton. The Freedom House takes men from the Guttermost to the Uttermost, men chained by the bondage of addiction and sin and shows them the power of the Gospel to break every chain. They are a Christ-centered, residential discipleship for men. They first start out where they must make a three month commitment with phases 1, 2 and 3 ultimately becoming a six-month commitment. In the first phrase they have no phones, no television and n
o outside contacts. Activities include: daily devotionals and Bible studies, discipleship training, praise and worship, regular church service, outreach service, outreach ministry and volunteer work with other local non-profits. They also run a coffee shop, The Zera Coffee Shop, here in Denton where they say they serve the best coffee in Denton. The three men shared their personal testimonies, and many at the meeting found themselves touched by the personal stories of how they came to Christ and how that changed their lives completely.
Marge Lane reminded everyone that the Ziplock bags, which contained many travel sized items including a poncho, socks, a hat and gloves, as a Christmas present for the men at Our Daily Bread, was due at the November meeting.
The evening concluded with some fellowship and the sharing of the many goodies that had been supplied by some of the members.