Irene Manning
Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on Tuesday, March 8, at the lovely home of Jim and Lynn D’Entremont. The guest speaker was Andrea Woolums who is the coordinator for the Elementary Religious Education at St. Mark Catholic Church. She explained how she would like to start a new program that would involve seniors. She would like to have grandparents to pray for a particular child who is preparing to receive the sacraments. She also explained how they prepare children to receive their sacraments. We discussed how many adults really need to be catechized and how many adult Catholics do not continue to study their faith once they leave school, if they attended Catholic school or faith formation classes. It was a very interesting discussion. Andrea is the proud mother of nine children and a homeschooler.
After the presentation everyone enjoyed some wonderful snacks and visiting with fellow Catholics. Our meetings are always on the second Tuesday of the month. April will be our last official meeting, and in May we will have a potluck dinner. Our meetings will resume in September. All are always welcome.