Catholic Club notice

The Catholic Club met on Nov. 12 at the home of John and Mary Goodpastor. The president of Catholic Club Irene Manning began the meeting by asking if there was anyone in need of prayer and as always there was. Prayers were said for several in our community as well as others outside of the Ranch. After prayers, a presentation was given to a packed room by Philip Gray, J.C.L. President of Catholics United for the Faith. Philip has brought his personable approach from the fields of social work and counseling to the practice of Canon Law. Mr. Gray quoted scripture and explained each one he quoted. His four main points included the following: pray – talk to God, listen to God, and just be with God; influence – we are all called to influence souls for Christ; support – always be there to support one another; evangelize – for Christ and His church. His final point was that we all should end every encounter with “God Bless You”. You’d be amazed how powerful these three words can be. The evening ended with food, drink, and fellowship as all Catholic Club meetings do. The December Christmas potluck gathering will be held at 7 p.m. on Dec. 10 at St Mark’s Parish Hall. All are welcome.