Father Pepe Ruiz speaking at the September meeting
Marion Napurano
The Robson Ranch Catholic Community (RRCC) held its first meeting of the 2023-24 season at 7 p.m. on Sept. 12. The gathering was held at the CATC building Indian Paintbrush Room, with over 40 members in attendance. The speaker for the evening was Father Pepe Ruiz, S.J. from Montserrat Retreat Center. Father Ruiz spoke on the topic of learning how to do the Ignatian Examen and how to achieve the most important goals of our lives—to go forth and set the world on fire!
The meeting was opened by Joan Bridges, our co-president. Joan informed the members about the new RRCC home-based, four-week study groups and encouraged all to sign up. The first of these groups will be covering the Eucharist, followed by another four-week course on Eternal Rest to conclude mid-November. Joan also spoke to the group about the RRCC Potluck Group, which began in 2023 and has been a huge success in promoting fellowship among our members, and advised the group of sign-up sheets on the back table.
We had several announcements made by Marge Lane, Pat Langa, and Deacon Vic. Marge advised the group that we are once again doing our Christmas Outreach to Our Daily Bread. Marge handed out lists of items requested this year, highlighting that the need for men’s and women’s new underwear was at the top of the list. Marge also told the group that, so far, she has collected 150 scarves donated by members as well as non-members, and the RR Yarn Divas have been so very generous with their time and talents.
Pat Langa addressed the group about our annual basket donation to the Support Our Troops auction held in November. Pat asked for donations to help complete the basket she already has in progress.
Next, Deacon Vic advised the group about Carol Miller’s efforts in Maui. Carol has been in Maui for several weeks with the Red Cross helping to train Red Cross volunteers. Carol was scheduled to return to Maui as the Chief of Individual Disaster Care on Sept. 24. Health services, mental health, and chaplains are all under her wing. These are the people who actually meet with our disaster survivors and help them with their transition from Red Cross shelters to a home or apartment. Deacon Vic asked for gift cards from either Walmart or Target, as these stores are open at this time in Maui. Because so many of the residents of Maui lost everything in the fire, gift cards would be helpful as they move into their new homes.
Once all the announcements had been completed, Father Ruiz was introduced by Juanee Surprise. Father Ruiz’s presentation was inspiring, and all in attendance left feeling uplifted. The three main points are 1) Thank God for three things each day, 2) Ask God for the Grace to find Him in each day, and 3) Look at each day with God.