Left to right: Jan Utzman, DeAnn Parafink, Sue Davis, Kathryn Stream, Elaine Sabre and Consie Javor.
Consie Javor
The Chi Omega alumnae met for their monthly luncheon at the Wildhorse Grill on Wednesday, June 5. A lively discussion ensued as thoughts strolled down memory lane and our college day escapades. Somehow, the conversation turned to beauty tips and household hints, and we all came away much smarter than we had come.
This fun group of Chi Omegas meet for lunch the first Wednesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at the Wildhorse Grill. We invite all Chi Omegas in the area to join us, whether you are an alum, an active or just here for a visit. Please contact Consie Javor for more information at [email protected] or 940-262-0334.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, August 7, at 11:30 a.m. at the Wildhorse Grill.